Terms of Reference /  Enterprise Development Consultant

Terms of Reference: Enterprise Development Consultant 

Job Type: Consulting Service                                                     Deadline: 22 May 2023, 5:00 PM (Nepal Standard time)

About the organization

Youth Innovation Lab (YI-Lab) is a not-for-profit civic tech company that works at the intersection of emerging  cutting-edge  technological tools and their applications by equipping young professionals to solve emerging challenges in our community. YI-Lab’s mission statement is, ‘to engage young people to bridge science to people and policy through innovation ’.  YI-Lab harnesses indigenous knowledge, citizen science approach, develops low-cost technological solutions, promotes open data, promotes entrepreneurship, and conducts evidence-based advocacy campaigns. YI-Lab  provides  a conducive environment for young people to co-create solutions for inclusive development.  

About the project

YI-Lab is implementing business incubation service for 30 selected ideas / enterprises. The incubation process includes a bootcamp, mentorship, business plan development,  business exhibition  and networking activities aiming to equip entrepreneurs with skills and knowledge to launch and expand their businesses. The project aligns with the Skill Up! program and aims to improve youth livelihoods through training, mentorship, and exposure. This project aims to identify business needs, fostering collaboration and scaling opportunities, and promoting green businesses. Anticipated outcomes involve improved skills, collaboration, productivity, networks, sales opportunities, and feedback for the entrepreneurs.

Objective of the consultancy

The objective of the Consultancy is to support YI-Lab in organizing a five day bootcamp plan and facilitating bootcamp training, provide specialized support for business plan template development as well as facilitate two mentorship session for the selected entrepreneurs. 

Tentative tasks and deliverables

Task 1 :  
Design bootcamp activities and bootcamp manual 
(2 days) 
Deliverable 1 : 
Develop a five-day bootcamp curriculum, design engaging activities for the participants and provide insights and instructions for creation of bootcamp manual.

Task 2 :  
Facilitate bootcamp training to participants 
(5 days)
Deliverable 2 :  
Collaborate with other trainers to teach entrepreneurs the curriculum designed for the bootcamp, engage the participants in interactive activities, encourage networking and peer learning during the bootcamp.

Task 3:  
Business plan template development 
(3 days)

Deliverable 3 :   
Develop business plan template for ideas / enterprises.

Task 4:  
Virtual mentorship sessions.
(2 days)  
Deliverable 4 :  
Facilitation of virtual mentorship sessions, presentation slides

Timeframe and supervision 

The calculated duration for the consultancy will be 12 days from 1 June 2023 to 10 December 2023. The consultant will directly report to Program Director of YI-Lab and coordinate with Project Coordination Officer.


    YI-Lab invites dynamic, enthusiastic, and experienced firm/consultant to apply for the position. The tasks will be implemented by a consulting firm or individual with expertise and capacity to undertake the assignment described in this ToR. Experience in enterprise development and business incubation would be an advantage. The consulting firm or individual should have a proven track record of delivering training that involves engaging activities. The consulting firm or individual shall be based in Nepal and firm run by young people will be a plus. 

    Payment Schedule 

    60% of the total contractual amount will be paid after the completion and approval of deliverables 1 and 2. 

    40% of the total contractual amount will be paid after the completion and approval of deliverables 3 and 4.  

    Application Requirements

    Interested consultant can apply by submitting the following:

    • CV of consultant involved with previous references of any enterprise development; 

    • VAT registration certificate (if applicable);

    • Latest Tax clearance certificate (if applicable); and, 

    • Reports or publications demonstrating expertise of individual / firm.

    • Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

    Application Process

    Interested Consultants are requested to submit the required documents (kindly upload the zipped file with CV, required documents of the firm, VAT registration certification, and latest Tax clearance certificate) to YI-Lab by 22  May 2023, 5:00 PM (Nepal Standard Time) . For any queries, write to YI-Lab at info@youthinnovationlab.org .